Friday, October 12, 2007

Morning jogs in the fitness park

On my 2nd day here, Chompu brought me along for their morning jogs at the nearby fitness park. For the past 2 days, I have woken up at 5.30am to prepare for a 6.00am jog. Yup you heard it right! I am no longer waking up at 10.00am! No more late nights for me! I managed to sleep at 10.00pm every night! My liver and kidneys will be very thankful for the rest. =)

Taken on the 2nd morning. It's the 6am sky from the porch of my house.
The street that I live on. Basically the area I live in is like rows after rows of terrace houses.
Chompu comes over to cycle me there, since I can't cycle on my own. I'll post a picture of her when we've taken one! =)
The entrance to the park.The jogging track.
The beautiful green field in the middle of the park, plus a very beautiful morning background of hills and mountains.

Pray for me as I build my friendship with Chompu. She'll be one of the youths i'll be discipling. Pray that even as now we may not speak the same language, but that will not be a barrier between us. =)


Matt Chua said...

Haha,mY goodness! Waking up at 530am!! that sounds like army to me!!

Anyway,why dun you get a shoutcast like the bcyouth website? or a tagboard?

Nicky said...

Haha.. yar i wake up every morning at 5.30am for exercises too.. hahaha.. daphy u really going for BMT also.. anyway, miss ya loads.. will call u when i have the chance yup.. take care!

Get a tagboard ->

daphyyy said...

haha...i dunno how to put the tagboard into the blog! hee heee...

nick next time u call me then i learn lah..

now still dun have internet access at my place so quite hard... my neighbours are trying to set up their wireless. if it's successful then i'll be able to access as well. hopefully!

Matt Chua said...

HAHA,so we have 2 "NS" guys now. :p

Mapper48 said...

Hi Dap

Sorry I wasn't able to come to see you off (too many other meetings). I must first say that praise be God for sending you, but more, thank God that you have the desire to serve Him in this manner. Sometimes, ladies like yourself is putting us guys to shame. I do wish one day, I can also do the same like you, (I actually love the outback more than the urban city) but an old man like me may be a hindrance rather than anything else. I pray that everything will be fine with you and God's protection with you throughout your stay in Thailand. I will try and see your blog everytime I can get the chance to do so.

Yours in His Name

Edward See

just wondering said...

Hi Dap

Its such a joy to see a daughter of an old friend going into mission and lauching into the great unknown. I feel so proud for your parents and family esp u!
Will remember you in my prayers.
Thailand had been in my heart for a long long time since I was young as you then.
Hey waking up at 5.30am is a good thing...everything is quiet and fresh and its easier to sense the presence of the Lord. Keep it up!

Uncle tony