Friday, November 16, 2007

Nam Jam School

Here are the 3 classes that Sam & I teach at Nam Jam School.
It's a lot of joy teaching these children.
Their innocence and enthusiasm for English lessons is seen in every student.
Despite the fact that children of this age tend to be more restless and noisy, they never fail to bring a smile with the little things they do.

Primary 1
That's Sam teaching, with the children giving full attention.
This class has 32 students.
The children copying the words learnt into their books.
I drew pictures beside the words to emphasize the meaning of the words.
Them working hard at drawing the best picture they can draw.
They are rewarded with stars at the end of each assignment, and they are really happy when they get 3 stars!

Primary 2

This class has 27 students.
Both the P1 & P2 classes LOVE colouring and join-the-dot activities.
They literally jump for joy and shout in their loudest voices "YAY!!!!!" when Sam takes out a stack of such activities for them to do.
On Tuesday, there was no time for them to do any colouring so nothing was given out and the children kept asking if I had any for them to do. So I told them to ask Sam, and they all went "AWWWWWWW......."

The P2 children filling in a crossword puzzle on words associated with our body.Those who have completed their assignment just happily posed for my camera. =)

Primary 3

The smallest class with 19 students.
This is the most interesting class among the 3.
They are super competitive and they absolutely LOVE competitions. They'll always be divided into 2 teams and worsheets will be given out to them for them to complete. The team that completes it the fastest without any mistakes will get like 50 points, & the team with the most points at the end of the lesson is the winner of the day.
Team 2 eagerly discussing the answers to the assignment.

Team 1 frantically flipping through every single English book they have to look for answers.

Team 2: Pointing out the right answers and letting their team mates in on the correct answer.

Team 2 gathering all their worksheets for Sam to check before confirming their win. 'Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."' Matthew 19:14

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